So here you are with your new little one that you have been waiting to meet for 9 months. Life has now got so much sweeter than ever and as new parents your spend most of your waking hours staring at this little beauty, forgetting the most basic things of your day. So let me help you get to your long awaited new-born photography session stress free by following my suggestions below so you can enjoy it from the beginning to the end!!
How to Prepare Your Baby
Feed and nappy change your baby just before you leave the house, food will keep them full, relaxed and asleep. Since my session won’t last 4 hours (in my opinion too long for babies and families) this change and feed is enough to keep your baby happy for the length of the photoshoot. Nevertheless, if you travel from far and your baby is hungry or needs a nappy change when you arrive, there is no problem at all, every baby runs on a different schedule!
How to dress your baby
I am sure you have received tonnes of cute outfits from family and friends and they are all waiting to see your little one wearing them. However, I believe babies are beautiful as they are and there is nothing sweeter than seeing their pure skin and tiny details, so lets not covered them with outfits or meaningless props! So my advice is not to worry about the perfect outfit as a minimal swaddle or in their naked skin will allow us to capture beautiful and timeless images.
Including Heirlooms in the Photoshoot
While I believe that babies are just beautiful the way they are I equally believe that if you have special heirlooms and you wish to include in the photoshoot. I will do my best to accommodate them. My daughter was baptised with my dad’s christening gown (who sadly she never met) which has been passed around my family for 3 generations so far. So I can relate to the sentimental value you may have for a particular item and I will do my best to fit it in.
Parents are just as important, so be prepared to be in the photos
I know that your little one is the centre of the world for you right now, and you probably didn’t have enough sleep before the session or you don’t feel at your best to be photographed, but it’s important for parents to be part of the shoot. I guarantee you that in years to come your baby, and future generations, will want to know what mum and dad looked like when he/she was born. Photographs are memories and not just pretty things, so use your new-born photoshoot as an occasion to document your new family, so get ready to jump in front of the camera!
Be yourself and Relax
As natural and organic baby photographer in London, my aim is for you to have an enjoyable experience, no stress about the perfect outfit or if I should have hair and makeup professionally done. I want you to feel relaxed and comfortable during this special moment and to enjoy yourself. Because of that, I don’t use set poses for babies or families, every shoot is unique as every family is unique. I will use my professional skill to direct you in relation to the light, but the greatest images will come from natural and relaxed connections.
Last minute surprise
Tiny babies are unpredictable which is totally normal, after all they have just been into this planet for few days! So if your baby needs an extra feed, pee or poo in the middle of the session, worry not! This is quite common and part of the process. Also if for any reason you are running late, off-schedule or baby is unwell, just give me a call or a text to let me know!
And if you have any other questions about now to prepare, feel free to send me an email at [email protected] or book your session today!